The Raider Team practices physical and technical skills at both the individual and team levels. They perform tasks that may be found in a conventional Army unit such as the Physical Fitness Test, 5Km Runs, Rope Bridges, Land Navigation Courses, First Aid Litter Carry, Cross Country Rescue, Orienteering, 5km Foot March, and Academic competitions. The Raider team competes against other high school Raider teams.
Radier TEAM
The Color Guard is an exciting extension of the discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills learned in class. The team performs military marching using precise and synchronized movement with and without rifles. The team performs at all the JROTC ceremonies and inspections. The Color Guard performs at most Harlan County sporting events and many public events in the community. Teams can be male, female, or mixed. When they participate in competitions, they confer as much pride on their school as any other varsity team sport. JROTC color guards are considered an excellent means to creating appropriate attention, publicity, and interest in the JROTC program and for maintaining a high state of morale. All cadets are eligible for the Color Guard.